Note spettinate
(Ruffled notes)

Into the night, Rai Radio2

...we quoted...

S.Beckett A.Ginsberg C.Magris J.Roth P.Roth K.Kraus G.Gould S.J.Lec C.Cergoly F.Kafka I.Örkény Nachman di Breslav S.Freud A.Einstein K.Marx B.Brecht I.Babel L.Trockij B.Malamud O.Mandel’stam M.Buber E.Wiesel D.Kis Y.Katzenelson J. Berryman H.Sapoznik M.Silvera H.Leivik F.Nietzsche G.Bassani E.De Luca E.Jabčs V.Jankélévitch A.Strindberg Eschilo B.Stoker G.Hauptmann C.Baudelaire E.Cioran R.M.Rilke G.Niccolai E.Ionesco J.L.Borges C.E.Gadda E.Canetti A.Cohen F.Uhlman H.Heine W.Benjamin T.Adorno R.Luxemburg C.Del Monte P.Weiss G.Meyrink H.von Kleist J.W.Goethe I.Asimov T.Ben Jelloun D.Lattes R.Tagore B.Chatwin P.Levi G.Scholem L.Rosten G.M.Hopkins S.Aleichem F.M.Dostoevskij C.Kavafis F.Brown P.Merimée J.Genet W.Shakespeare G.E.Lessing H.von Hofmannsthal C.Marlowe P.Altenberg D.Meghnagi A.M.Ripellino R.Musil A.Schnitzler F.Fornari D.Greenberg M.Proust Saffo A.Neher D.Beresniak Y.Knaz ...and sacred and less sacred texts...

by Mara Cantoni and Moni Ovadia

speaker Moni Ovadia

01. Mother
02. Psychoanalysis
03. Mittel-europa
04. Kafka
05. Intelligence
06. Money
07. America
08. Racism
09. Russia
10. Exile
11. Bible
12. God
13. Rabbis
14. Prophets
15. Messiah
16. Babel
17. Identity
18. Memory
19. Lament
20. Music
21. Golem
22. Germany
23. Spain
24. Italy
25. Comic
26. Mix 1
27. Mix 2
28. Mix 3
29. Mix 4
30. Mix 5
Ruffled notes as in Ruffled thoughts by Stanislaw Jerzy Lec,
one of the reference books of my life.
Fragments, variegated and chained together,
torn from time and space
in order to be reunited around a thematic centre.

Thirty radio broadcasts like thirty theatrical productions.
More basic and colloquial, of course,
thanks to the audience's live participation
and the speaker's necessary improvisations;
nonetheless, dense and well structured, according to a pattern
I had already experimented in Dalla sabbia dal Tempo.

With this intensive and capillary work, wide open
to histories and geographies and music and words,
Moni and I set the basis for future collaborations,
along the lines of a mutual understanding that came from afar.

Gruppo Folk Internazionale
Dalla sabbia dal Tempo     Dybbuk     Ballata di fine millennio

... and we had the audience listen to...

C.Aznavour G.Bécaud I.Papas E.Petrolini D.Kaye L.Delibes Queen M.Faithfull F.De Gregori R.Rascel Chico Buarque C.Berberian N.Hagen M.Jackson K.Nomi H.Eisler L.Battisti A.Branduardi Zucchero S.Endrigo S.Reich G.Moustaki M.Theodorakis C.Villa I.Stravinskij Sting S.Prokofiev W.Guthrie B.Streisand G.Brassens Squallor R. Strauss R.Leoncavallo J.Joplin F.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy G.Verdi L.Ferré L.Berio E.Bennato G.Rossini A.Venditti S.Rossi F.Guccini Milva G.F.Haendel Tom Waits The Beatles J.Offenbach P.Dukas A.L.Webber G.Mahler L.Cohen J.Taylor F.Zappa G.Puccini D.Modugno A.Dvorák B.Brozman G.Gould L.Minnelli Terem D.Fo B.Eno J.Strauss J.S.Bach B.Dylan K.Weill V.Vissotski J.Brel G.Marini H.Salvador C.Chaplin M.Nyman R.Wagner P.Glass G.Gaber L.Dalla M.Dietrich J.Heifez J.Baez E.Jannacci L.Betti N.Simone D.Krause P.Conte R.Newman H.Roth ...and fragments of films and cantors' voices and klezmer music from all over the world...

What is this radio-show? It is a way of using radio without indulging in too many modern temptations (...)
Jokes, aphorisms and Jewish humor, together with moments of "higher" reflection and lots of music,
result in a homogeneous whole, quite moving at times, always culturally profound and highly amusing (...)
Good work, that of Into the night, a stimulating event. To this purpose, let us remember the Yiddish saying:
God never ordered anyone to be stupid.
(Laura Mincer, il manifesto, 11 march1994)